new website

I've been neglecting the blogging part of this lately but finally got my new website up and running. I will be posting stuff over at this new home...

'buch' family:sneak peek

you are about to experience gorgeousness x's googleplex.
i'll let the photos speak for themselves....

thanks for stopping by...

L family : sneak peek

love photographing this family! We had a gorgeous day for this shoot. So many great captures. I promised a sneak peek tonight...sorry it's so late meagan! enjoy these beauties...


sneak peek: 'P' kiddos

second year photographing these gorgeous kids. it was brrrrrrrr freezing cold. these guys were troopers!  In between short breaks in the heated car we got some great shots. enjoy these heartbreakers....


f family: sneak peek

good friends of mine traveled out to me to do family photos. it rained...pretty much the entire session! such a bummer. we used an umbrella in between shots to try and keep the kiddos dry. even though mother nature was working against us, and we weren't able to move around that much because of the rain, we still somehow got some great shots. it helps that this family is gorgeous. here are a few...


'myz' family: sneak peek

i'm so behind with blogging lately. i wanted to get some pics up of this super fun and gorgeous family i recently shot. it was awesome weather & i had such a great time. these kids were professional posers! loved it.... thanks again to this easy going, cute family!!!!


sneak peek: miss 'a'

gorgeous angela. i have known this beautiful thing since she was just itty bitty. i was so honored to take her senior pictures. i enjoyed every second of this fun shoot! 
here are a few of this super lovely lady....


eric : sneak peek

 i had the pleasure of photographing this cutie pie last week. i have photographed his older brother before and was so glad to meet the newest addition of this gorgeous family. i followed this little guy around his yard and snapped as many shots of him as i could catch. boys this age are so busy!! big brother alex was such a great help. it was a blast 'g' family. thanks so much!!

..... lori

sneak peek: 'c' boys

oh my it's been so long since i've posted anything on this blog. what a year so has been so very tough and filled with so much change. i'm so glad to be getting this part of my life back on track. i love shooting...i love going to a location i've never shot before and finding cool & interesting backdrops. i shot these boys last year and was lucky enough to see them again this year! it was a good time. the attention span for boys seems to last only the first 10 min or so, but i still got some cute shots of these adorable guys. they were troopers...even after getting bit time after time by crazy mosquitos! here is a sneak peek..


workshop pt. 2


i finally got around to posting these pics from the alpaca farm in october. the wind felt like it was blowing 60 mph & the alpacas were VERY skittish which made it a super challenging shoot. the owners of this beautiful farm had to bring another alpaca over so the one we were shooting could be near it and relax a little. it was an awesome learning experience indeed...
